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Oda Nobunaga


  • Reduced the influence of Buddhist control over Japan
  • Built a series of castles to defend his lands
  • Introduced new administrative practices to pave the way towards a unified Japan.

Toyotomia Hideyoshi

  • Continued centralizing government power
  • Created a standing army 
  • Disarmed the farmers by making a rule that men could no longer be a part farmer or part warrior. They had to choose to be one
  • He tried to expand his territory by attacking both Korea and China but was defeated by both countries.
  • He also surveyed the country and changed the tax on the land from money to quantities of rice.
  • The wealth of a landowner determined how many kokus (Japanese measurement equal to 175 liters of rice) were paid. 

Tokugawa Leyasu

  • Established his government base in Edo

  • Finalized the unification of Japan. 

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